The IPHC has begun publishing results of the 2023 Fishery Independent Setline Survey (FISS) ahead of the upcoming Interim Meeting. Coastwide, the O32 WPUE (weight per unit effort of legal fish) is down 3% and the WPUE for all sizes is down 4%. The coastwide O32 NPUE (number of legal fish per unit effort) is down 2%. Click here for a breakdown by regulatory area. As mentioned last week, more data is coming, and we'll certainly have a clearer picture of things after the meeting at the end of the month, so stay tuned.
In fisheries management news: NMFS is prohibiting retention of “other rockfish” in the Western and Central regulatory areas of the Gulf of Alaska, effective at noon on November 13. NMFS has reallocated Pacific cod from CV trawl boats and pot boats to CV and CP hook and line vessels in the Western regulatory area of the Gulf of Alaska.
The statewide sablefish TAC is 59% harvested, with AI at 10%, BS at 54%, CG at 64%, SE at 79%, WG at 70%, and WY at 82%. The statewide halibut TAC is 83% harvested, with 2C at 87%, 3A at 90%, 3B at 89%, 4A at 63%, 4B at 39% and 4C/4D at 74%. See the full report here.
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