Speaking of crab, here's "Everything You Need To Know About Alaska’s Red King Crab Fishery In 2024."
And speaking of bycatch, NOAA Fisheries has $2.3 million available for collaborative bycatch reduction projects. The deadline to submit a pre-proposal is December 15.
The deadline to apply for quota shares under the new Pacific Cod Trawl Cooperative Program is October 10.
ASMI’s annual Commercial Fishing Photo Contest is open to submissions until October 31. Submit your photos here.
Northrim Bank is hosting a community summit in Kodiak on October 10, focused on understanding today's economic landscape and where to find opportunities.
Pesquera Azul, a company based in Norway and Uruguay, has successfully trialed a new device designed to combat whale depredation in the longline fisheries. The device acts as a cage, moving up the line and collecting fish as it's hauled in.
The EPA fined the largest at-sea pollock catcher/processor in Alaska, owned by American Seafoods, almost $1,000,000 for hundreds of Clean Water Act violations.
Rep. Peltola is pushing for updates to MSA National Standards 4, 8, and 9, which concern allocation, communities, and bycatch, respectively.
The expansion of the Homer Harbor has hit some speed bumps - namely, a lack of funds for the three year study required to move forward. It always comes down to money, doesn't it?
Trawlers proposed improvements to the existing performance standards (i.e. revisions to trawl gear) at the Trawl Performance Workshop earlier this week, with specific focus on crab bycatch.
ALFA was awarded a $700,000 grant from the US Department of Energy to help transition commercial fishing vessels to hybrid and/or fully electric engines. Who doesn't love saving money on fuel?
Japan began releasing the second batch of treated nuclear waste water yesterday.
The Homer Fish and Game Advisory Committee will be holding a public meeting on October 10, focused on Lower Cook Inlet Board of Fish proposals.
This week's Alaska Fisheries Report: Yukon youth without salmon, and selecting hatchery chinook salmon to preserve wild stocks.
Trident seafoods was awarded a USDA bid of nearly $780,000 for 16,720 cases of canned pink salmon.
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