Governor Dunleavy has appointed Mike Porcaro as one of the two commissioners of the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC). Porcaro, an advertising consultant and talk show host, has no experience in the commercial fishing industry, which some view as a pro and others are taking issue with.
BBRSDA is holding a virtual meeting for current members and Bristol Bay setnet permit holders on September 7, in anticipation of the setnetter's upcoming vote on whether or not to join the association.
As the Dunleavy administration is taking the EPA to court over its veto of the proposed Pebble Mine, the head of the EPA says he's "proud" of the agency's decision to protect Bristol Bay.
The Coast Guard responded to five emergencies last weekend.
The Board of Fish Hatchery Committee will hold a meeting October 14. No regulatory action will be taken, but they'll discuss hatchery performance, research, and more.
NMFS issued its 2023 Report to Congress on Improving International Fisheries Management. I'm not going to lie, it's 110 pages long and I didn't read it. But if you have more free time than I do and choose to delve in, please send cliff notes when you're done.
The Alaska Bycatch Council will meet virtually on September 5 to present progress reports on the task force recommendations and take public comment on FAQs, recommendations, and priorities.
Unconfirmed reports of orcas being caught as bycatch on Bering Sea bottom trawlers are circulating the internet and amongst industry circles. NOAA said it's being investigated by Enforcement but declined to comment any further.
NMFS is holding two public workshops regarding the implementation of the new Pacific Cod Trawl Cooperative Program (PCTC), where they'll provide an overview of the program, outline participation, and answer questions. The first will be held in person in Seattle on September 20 and the second will be held virtually on September 27.
As a reminder, the State of Alaska Division of Investments will be in Homer September 21-22 to help with new loan applications, loan extension applications, and answer any questions you have about financing, purchasing, etc. More info here.
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